월 ~ 금 : AM 10:00 ~ PM 7:00
토 : AM 10:00 ~ PM 7:00
매주 일요일은 정기 휴일
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This action-packed 50-minute documentary captures the drama and combat realism of the training and missions which forge America’s premier force in readiness, the Marine Expeditionary Unit. Witness the action and realism of live-fire squad tactics, the boarding and capture of ships, battalion size amphibious and mechanized assaults from the sea, and the building-by-building siezure of an ’enemy’-held town. Three years in the making, this video also documents the tragic helicopter crash that occurred during the final training of this MEU unit. It was to the six Marines and one Navy corpsman who lost their lives, that the Marines of the MEU dedicated the successful completion of their final training in this true drama of sacrifice and success.첫 사용후기를 남겨주세요.
첫 문의글을 남겨주세요.